by Dr. M. Nazir Khan | Jan 2, 2015 | Society and Media
Who is to blame for all the violence in the world? Haven’t there been countless wars waged in the name of religions? Wouldn’t humanity be better off without any religion at all? One of biggest controversies surrounding religion has been the charge that religions have...
by Guest | Jan 2, 2015 | Life and Philosophy
By M. Nazir Khan and M. Faisal Abideen Human suffering is a part of life, but why? What is its value? Is there any way in which it can be positive? How can suffering develop us morally and spiritually and bring us closer to God? Human suffering and the...
by Guest | Jan 2, 2015 | Life and Philosophy
By M. Nazir Khan and M. Faisal Abideen Why does evil exist? This is a question that has haunted every human being. Torture, rape, murder, cruelty, disasters, poverty, disease – it all seems too much and too pointless. Personal tragedies are frequently met with the...
by Dr. M. Nazir Khan | Jan 2, 2015 | Guidance and Scripture
This is a continuation of the discussion on the role of scholars. Please read the preceding part 1. What is a scholar? Muslims growing up in the modern culture often face difficulties understanding how to deal with scholars. For the sake of simplicity, the term...
by Dr. M. Nazir Khan | Jan 2, 2015 | Guidance and Scripture
What does it mean to follow Islam? Islam means submitting to the way of God, and striving to do what God has asked of us. That means following the guidance which God has revealed in the two foundational sources of Islamic teachings – the Qur’an and the Sunnah...