by Guest | Sep 24, 2017 | Guidance and Scripture, Life and Philosophy
by Zohair Abdul Rahman MSc. This article will build on the previous and provide a phenomenological perspective on how we are meant to interact with the signs of Allah in His Book (Articulated) and His Creation (Unarticulated). Ayaat Masmoo’ah: Articulated Signs and...
by Guest | Sep 17, 2017 | Life and Philosophy
by Zohair Abdul-Rahman MSc and M. Nazir Khan MD. A person has a misconception about Islam and misconstrues a particular teaching as misogynistic or violent. Approaching a scholar or community leader, he or she receives a response that seems satisfactory and is able to...
by Dr. M. Nazir Khan | Sep 14, 2017 | Life and Philosophy
As you are reading this article, you likely believe that you are awake and not dreaming. You are confident that you know who you are, and that you are present in the real world and not, for instance, simply connected to an elaborate computer simulation that makes your...